Our Town Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue.

Quote #4

I tell you, you’ve got to look both ways before you cross Main Street these days. Gets worse every year. – What’ll you have? (II.221)

Traffic on Main Street has been increasing, an unmistakable sign of the town’s increasing prosperity.

Quote #5

It certainly seems like being away three years you’d get out of touch with things. Maybe letters from Grover’s Corners wouldn’t be so interesting after a while. Grover’s Corners isn’t a very important place when you think of all New Hampshire; but I think it’s a very nice town (II.241).

Emily believes that if George leaves Grover’s Corners, he will become bored with news from home.

Quote #6

We’ve got a factory in our town too – hear it? Makes blankets. Cartwrights own it and it brung ‘em a fortune. (I.133)

The small town has only one factory operating within its perimeters.