Marcelo in the Real World Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Is there a way to articulate what I feel? It seem like a long time passes before I speak. "I guess it would be something like, 'How do we go about living when there is so much suffering?' Does the question make sense? Is it the kind of question that is asked?" (17.70)

In a way it's charming that Marcelo is this naïve, but it's also heartbreaking. He's only just scratched the surface of human suffering. And not to be a downer or anything, but it only gets worse from here, buddy. But hey, it also gets better, too.

Quote #8

By the way, the reconstructive surgery will not only somewhat restore the girl's beauty, it will also allow her to speak clearly, chew, and alleviate the pain she feels whenever she eats or tries to speak now. (19.74)

Learning about Ixtel teaches Marcelo that there are some people who have been hurt so badly that they can't even do basic things like using their mouths without pain. It's what spurs him on to do the right thing and help her.

Quote #9

"Even now, they are still making them the same dangerous way, because if they fix the problem they would be admitting there was a problem." (19.106)

How many human behaviors are driven by exactly this logic? Addiction, untreated illness, damaged relationships; the list goes on and on. It takes an incredibly brave person to admit a problem.