Marcelo in the Real World Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"What we have at the law firm is kind of a balance of power between two forces. The enterprise runs smoothly so long as the power remains equally balanced." (13.79)

The balance of power between Arturo and Holmes is not unlike a 20-year gunfight on a tightrope.

Quote #5

"The bond between our fathers extends to you and me. Keeping that bond, that balance of power, is extremely important. We keep the bond by putting each other first about anyone else." (13.81)

Of course Wendell's not willing to put Marcelo first; he just wants Marcelo to do his work while he goes and plays squash. He hasn't learned that "autistic" does not mean "stupid."

Quote #6

"People hire Sandoval and Holmes when they want the meanest and the toughest. When other firms know that we are on the case, they know our client is out to win. You want to succeed here, you need to be merciless, go for the jugular." (18.33)

Is it possible to "want the meanest and the toughest" if you're not trying to protect your ability to do something you shouldn't?