Marcelo in the Real World Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Even now, they are still making them the same dangerous way, because if they fix the problem they would be admitting there was a problem." (19.106)

Continuing to lie after knowing the truth can cost other people their lives. That's a huge price to pay for pride.

Quote #8

For a moment I do not know what she is talking about. Lying requires an incredible amount of mental effort. (20.3)

Trying to sustain a web of lies is like trying to pull blocks out of a Jenga tower without it collapsing. Our shoulders tense up just thinking about it.

Quote #9

I cannot imagine him seeing the picture of Ixtel and reading Jerry's letter and saying no. These facts stand in contrast to the father who said yes to the tree house, who said yes to Paterson, the man who likes to grab Yolanda in a headlock and pretend he is knocking on her head. (21.2)

Does Arturo's disregard for strangers invalidate his love for his family?