The Joys of Motherhood Tradition and Customs Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

She had been brought up to believe that children made a woman. She had had children, nine in all, and luckily seven were alive, much more than many women of that period could boast of. Most of her friends and colleagues had buried more children than they had alive; but her god had been merciful to her. Still, how was she to know that by the time her children grew up the values of her country, her people and her tribe would have changed so drastically, to the extent where a woman with many children could face a lonely old age, and maybe a miserable death all alone, just like a barren woman? She was not even certain that worries over her children would not send her to her grave before her chi was ready for her. (18.87)

Nnu Ego finally realizes what's been happening all these years: the world has been changing, but she has kept clinging to the past.