Inherit the Wind Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act, Scene, Line)

Quote #4

CATES. (Softly) Did you see his face? He looked terrible (III, 494-96)

Even though Brady is the one that got him a guilty sentence, Bert is able to feel compassion for the old man. Bert's compassion for the enemy proves that he's a complex character; he's more than meets the eye. While he would be totally justified in hating his opponent, he takes the high road, letting the balancing scales of justice inform his opinions.

Quote #5

HORNBECK. […] Why should we weep for him? He cried enough for himself! (III, 606-07)

The reporter has no compassion for Brady; he feels he should keep the insults flying. So while the play shows that some supporters of evolution can also be intolerant and closed-minded, Hornbeck serves as evidence of extremist evolutionists. Brady's the extremist on his side of the camp.

Quote #6

DRUMMOND. You smart-aleck! You have no more right to spit on his religion than you have a right to spit on my religion! Or my lack of it! (III, 613-16)

When Hornbeck makes fun of Brady, Drummond really puts himself in Brady's suspenders. So he defends the guy. Sweet, huh?