I, Robot Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story title.paragraph)

Quote #10

"I am going to have the Society outlawed, every member removed from any responsible post. And all executive and technical positions, henceforward, can be filled only by applicants signing a non-Society oath. It will mean a certain surrender of basic civil liberties, but I am sure the Congress—" (Evitable Conflict.201)

This may remind us of Senator McCarthy and the loyalty oaths that people were supposed to take to prove that they weren't Communists. But one thing that this also might remind us of is how Earth banned the use of robots. So, you can use governmental power to ban the Society for Humanity, but Asimov doesn't seem that think that that's a good idea. Maybe instead of rules that we can enforce through fear and power, we need a better way to convince people of the truth.