I Am the Cheese Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He also loved his father and mother and wanted to be with them. When they ate dinner together, he felt a sense of intimacy with them, as if he were more than just a son, more than someone who was told to make his bed and take out the rubbish. He was part of them. Somehow fear forged love. (26.24)

This is a subtle foreshadowing of what will happen to Adam after his parents' deaths. Because "[h]e was part of them," when they died part of him died too.

Quote #5

"All the guilts your father and I have piled up, Adam," his mother said, the sadness in her voice again. (28.54)

Have you ever thought of guilt as a noun that could be pluralized? Why do you think Cormier wrote "guilts" instead of "guilt"? What are Adam's mother's guilts?

Quote #6

What have they turned us into? Adam thought. What has Mr. Grey done to my father and mother to make this kind of thing possible? For the first time, the horror of their predicament became real to Adam. (28.64)

As much as Adam feels connected to his family, here he separates himself from his parents. The wrong that was done has simply trickled down to him.