The House of Dies Drear Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Mama is sure to come every Sunday, Thomas thought. She will say Preacher has a voice good enough speak with the Lord. (10. 70)

Thomas is really impressed with the beauty of the preacher's voice. He knows his mother well enough to know that she is too. This is probably part of why she starts to really like the town.

Quote #5

Mac Darrow played the piano beautifully. Thomas recognized the hymn at once and smiled. (10.64)

Thomas sees that Mac is part of the church and that he approaches his music much the way Thomas approaches his carving. We think Thomas is beginning to see the other boy as a potential friend.

Quote #6

"This isn't no Baptist place! Carrying on in the aisle, Darrow said. We're Methodists here!" (10.94)

"I said sit down. Mr. Pluto wants to kneel, let him kneel! The minister said. (10.95)

Baptist and Methodist are both denominations of Christianity. Darrow says that Methodists don't kneel in the aisles while Baptists do. He seems to look down on the Baptists that do so. According to the preacher, such points aren't important. What do you think?