Holes Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Dear Mom and Dad,

Camp is hard, but challenging. We've been running obstacle courses, and have to swim long distances on the lake. Tomorrow we learn […] to rock climb. I know that sounds scary, but don't worry.

Stanley's a good kid. So why on earth is he lying to his parents?

Quote #5

"You sure [Zero] has no family?" the Warden asked Mr. Pendanski.

"He's a ward of the state," Mr. Pendanski told her. "He was living on the streets when he was arrested."

"Is there anyone who might ask questions? Some social worker who took an interest in him?"

"He had nobody," said Mr. Pendanski. "He was nobody." (31.33-36)

In the world of Camp Green Lake, the only way to protect yourself is to have power. And, as we see throughout the course of the book, power seems to come from social relationships, right? So that means that having nobody amounts to being nobody. Double whammy.

Quote #6

What scared Stanley the most about dying wasn't his actual death. He figured he could handle the pain. It wouldn't be much worse than what he felt now. In fact, maybe at the moment of his death he would be too weak to feel pain. Death would be a relief. What worried him the most was the thought of his parents not knowing what happened to him, not knowing whether he was dead or alive. He hated to imagine what it would be like for his mother and father, day after day, month after month, not knowing, living on false hope. For him, at least, it would be over. For his parents, the pain would never end. (36.39)

Ever wonder why your mom is such a worrier? Well, that's what family does to you, especially as you grow up. We love our families and we want to protect them: that means we worry. So cut your mom some slack next time she reminds you to wear a coat.