Henry VI Part 3 Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

Why, I can smile, and murder whiles I smile,
And cry 'Content' to that which grieves my heart,
And wet my cheeks with artificial tears,
And frame my face to all occasions. (3.2.184-187)

Richard claims he can pretend to be good when he's really bad and thereby throw everyone off. It sounds like Richard's a great actor, and we can see that he's great with language. He's the one who gets the long speeches and the spotlight in this play, and he's the one who subtly controls others from the background.

Quote #5

Those gracious words revive my drooping thoughts
And give my tongue-tied sorrows leave to speak. (3.3.24-25)

A powerful woman, Margaret's really good with words. In fact, that's what Edward and his camp are afraid of. They know Margaret is convincing with her language, and they're scared she'll convince King Lewis to send some troops her way.

Quote #6

Her looks doth argue her replete with modesty;
Her words do show her wit incomparable;
All her perfections challenge sovereignty.
One way or other, she is for a king... (3.2.84-87)

Edward likes Lady Grey when she comes to visit him. It's partly her virtue and modesty, but partly her "wit" and "words" that he finds attractive. These words must be compelling, because Edward risks his kingdom and his relationship with his brothers for her.