The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World Admiration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

He looked so forever dead, so defenseless, so much like their men that the first furrows of tears opened in their hearts. (7)

Only two paragraphs ago the women regarded the drowned man as entirely different from their own men. What has changed?

Quote #5

He was the most destitute, most peaceful, and most obliging man on earth, poor Esteban. (7)

The villagers' characterization of the drowned man has changed in content, but not in form. He is still described with superlatives.

Quote #6

Men and women became aware for the first time of the desolation of their streets, the dryness of their courtyards, the narrowness of their dreams as they faced the splendor and beauty of their drowned man. (12)

The villager's admiration for the drowned man has turned inward; he has become a standard for their own improvement.