Green Eggs and Ham Life, Consciousness, and Existence Quotes

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Quote #4

You may like them.
You will see. (57-58)

Wise Sam knows that with some fresh air, exercise, a change of scenery, cool companions, and exotic food, the big guy's frown will be turned upside down quicker than you can say blubbering blobs. And how about that word "may"? Does that glimmer of doubt make Sam the more reasonable figure of the tale?

Quote #5

If you will let me be,
I will try them.
You will see. (135-138)

The message here is simple: if you can't beat your eggs, join them—or at least try them. Or never look a gift ham in the fork. Or maybe it's just that we should sit back and enjoy the ham, especially when it's greener on the other side.