A Good Man is Hard to Find The Misfit Quotes

The Misfit > The Mother

Quote 10

The children's mother had begun to make heaving noises as if she couldn't get her breath. "Lady," [The Misfit] asked, "would you and that little girl like to step off yonder with Bobby Lee and Hiram and join your husband?"

"Yes, thank you," the mother said faintly. Her left arm dangled helplessly and she was holding the baby, who had gone to sleep, in the other. (124-125)

The mother is obviously grief-stricken, and agrees to go die with her husband (bringing her baby along) without a fight. She loves him, and doesn't want to live without him (unlike the grandmother, who's still hard at work on The Misfit to save herself). The mother's character has been so undeveloped, and her exchange with The Misfit is so casual and subdued ("Yes, thank you"??), that the scene is plain bizarre. All the more so when June Star insults Bobby Lee immediately afterwards.

The Misfit

Quote 11

[The Misfit] put on his black hat and looked up suddenly and then away deep into the woods as if her were embarrassed again. "I'm sorry I don't have on a shirt before you ladies," he said, hunching his shoulders slightly. "We buried our clothes that we had on when we escaped and we're just making do until we can get better." (99)

Here we have another ridiculous moment, which presents southern manners in an interesting light. The Misfit has just ordered the men of the family to be taken into the woods and shot, and he's slightly embarrassed that he's not properly dressed in front of ladies.