Ella Enchanted Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"My darling, you must call me Mum. Mum Olga sounds so cozy." (20.2)

Hm, "cozy" is a good start—but, with Mum Olga, we'd settle for "not abusive." "Loving" can come later.

Quote #8

"Olga, my heart, I expect Ella to be treated with respect," Father said. "She is not to be a servant in her own home." (22.28)

Yeah, so, about that: ideally your family doesn't make you into a servant in your own home. But Dame Olga clearly has different ideas about what "family" means. That, and she seems to be punishing Ella for her father's deception in stringing Olga along by letting her think he was still rich while they were courting. Real mature, lady.

Quote #9

"Most welcome." Queen Daria embraced me. "I've waited long to meet the maiden my son loves." (28.40)

Not every family is dysfunctional in this book. The balls may not have been Char's idea, but at least his family wants him to meet someone he loves and can be happy with (rather than marrying him off at the first opportunity). And having a well-adjusted royal family just seems like a good idea, as these are the people in charge of, like, everything.