Good vs. Evil Quotes in Eclipse

How we cite our quotes: (chapter.paragraph)

Quote #7

[Edward to Bella:] "Thou shalt not kill is commonly accepted in major belief systems. And I've killed a lot of people." "Only the bad ones." (20.233)

Does it make you a good person to kill bad people?

Quote #8

[Edward to Victoria:] "You provided us with a common enemy. You allied us." (24.178)

The Cullen vampires and the werewolves united to fight an even greater evil than they consider each other to be. So apparently, the boundaries between good and evil are not set in stone, but shift with situation in Eclipse. So what might be an adequate definition for good and evil in Eclipse?

Quote #9

[Bella to Edward:] "More that, you don't want to hurt me… so much that I don't think that you ever could." (20.159)

Throughout the story, Bella gives Edward a lot of credit for being "good." Do you think he's as in control of his "good side" as Bella thinks?