Dry September Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Mr. Henry," the Negro said.

In "Writing Style," we discuss the power of Faulkner's minimalism in the story. This is a great example. These two words, spoken by Will in attempt to stop Hawkshaw ("Mr. Henry") from leaving him, express much about how Will is feeling and how he feels about Hawkshaw.

Quote #5

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhh!" (4.9)

The closest thing Minnie gets to a line in the story is the laughing/screaming business. But her friends try to stifle even that. The line communicates the repression clouding Jefferson, a place where human impulses and expressions of weakness, grief, or anguish are stifled for the sake of so-called respectability.