Dry September Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"White folks, captains, I aint done nothing: I swear 'fore God."

McLendon reacts to Will's oath with impatience. All he wants is to get Will in the car so he can get on with things. In the barber shop scene he admitted he didn't care if Will was innocent, or not. For McLendon, justice is making an example of Will, not in judging his guilt or innocence.

Quote #5

The barber climbed back on the road and limped on toward town. (4.34)

Some readers judge Hawkshaw harshly for jumping from the car, even after Will begged him to stay. Of course, it's hard to say why exactly he does jump, and hard to say what would have happened if he had stayed in the car. What would you have done if you were Hawkshaw?

Quote #6

"That's the one: see? The one in pink in the middle." (4.3).

This moment, where Minnie is on display in the town square, dramatizes the extremely judgmental structure of Jefferson. Everybody in Jefferson watches everybody else's every movement, waiting for some sign of sign of deviance to harp on.