Dragonwings Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Then [Father] clapped his hand on my shoulder. "How about a cup of tea to warm our old bones?" he asked. Poor Black Dog: There was some beauty to life after all, even if it was only the beauty of hope. (11.157)

After Black Dog steals the Lees' hard-earned money, Moon Shadow realizes that hope is priceless and makes any obstacle less threatening.

Quote #8

I'm not going to build another Dragonwings. When I was up there on it, I found myself wishing you were up there, and your mother with you. And I realized I couldn't have the two of them together: my family and flying. And just as I saw the hill coming at me, I realized that my family meant more to me than flying. It's enough for me to know that I can fly. (12.129)

Windrider's refocused dream shows how dreams can shift over time and experience. Moon Shadow was right with his instinct to trust his mother's patience with Father.