Dead Man Walking Politics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Jennings asks if I feel it would be a good thing for people to be exposed to executions, and I say yes, because then they would see the violence unmasked and this would lead them to abolish executions. (10.22)

Prejean believes that televising executions would have a political effect: it would change people's minds about executions. After all, we all know that people are executed with some frequency in the United States—but how many of us actually know what that looks like? How many of us would actually flip the switch? How many of us would actually be okay with watching someone get put to death? Prejean thinks that part of the problem is the distance we put (or that the system puts) between us and the actual act of execution. If we're going to support the death penalty, Prejean argues, then we really have an obligation to understand fully what that means.