Das Kapital Tradition and Customs Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph) or (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Some crippling of body and mind is inseparable even from the division of labour in society as a whole. However, since manufacture carries this social separation of branches of labour much further, and also, by its peculiar division, attacks the individual at the very roots of his life, it is the first system to provide the materials and the impetus for industrial pathology. (14.5.7)

Marx says any division of labor is going to cause over-specialization, but under industrial capitalism, the over-specialization becomes so pronounced that it should be considered a disease. Think about it. Are your financial realities forcing you to become too specialized? Are you defining yourself as a certain type of worker, who takes part in traditions and customs ordinary to that line of work? Would it be possible to adopt traditions and customs that go against your economic self-interest?