A Raisin in the Sun Lena Younger (Mama) Quotes

MAMA (Quietly, woman to woman)
He finally come into his manhood today, didn’t he? Kind of like a rainbow after the rain…
RUTH (Biting her lip, lest her own pride explode in front of Mama)
Yes, Lena. (3.1.155-6)

Even though Walter is the protagonist of the story, it is the women in his life who have the biggest dream for him: to find his own manhood. Hansberry suggests that manliness is having the strength to stand up for what is right.

MAMA (Putting her finger on his nose for emphasis)
She went out and she bought you a house! (The explosion comes from WALTER at the end of the revelation and he jumps up and turns away from all of them in a fury. MAMA continues, to TRAVIS) You glad about the house? It’s going to be yours when you get to be a man. (2.1.156)

Lena announces to Travis and the family that she has purchased a house with Big Walter's life insurance money. She did not consult anyone about it beforehand.

MAMA (Raising her eyes to meet his finally)
Son – I just tried to find the nicest place for the least amount of money for my family. (2.1.178)

Lena stands up for her right to use the money the best way she saw fit. She feels that she has made the right choice for her family and that, as head of that family, she had the right to do it.