
Example 1

Kyle bashfully took Stephanie's hand and nervously asked her to dance.

In this tale of awkward romance, bashfully and nervously are both positive adverbs because they don't compare Kyle's skills with the ladies—or lack thereof—to anything. They simply describe his sweet moves.

Example 2

Jane stays at work later than Brody, so he picks up their daughter from hacky sack practice more frequently.

In this sentence that must have time traveled here from 1994, later and more frequently are both comparative adverbs. Later compares how long Jane stays at work to how long Brody stays at work. More frequently compares how often Brody picks up their kid to how often Jane's on chauffeur duty.

Example 3

Even though she didn't know any of the words, Brenda sang the loudest and most enthusiastically of any kid in the Christmas recital.

Here we have two holly jolly examples of superlative adverbs, both of which describe how Brenda belted out the holiday jams.