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PSAT 1.11 Writing Diagnostic 179 Views
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PSAT 1.11 Writing Diagnostic. How would you change the underlined portion, if at all?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak And here's your shmoop do as
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you were brought to you by con artists They're not
- 00:08
to be trusted if you catch our grip Are checking
- 00:13
this passage Scamming nuns No limit how connor swindled On
- 00:20
scampi in a minor people know shame like what All
Full Transcript
- 00:26
right well how would you change The bolo underlined portion
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of the passage if it all in the brink and
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here the pencil and on all right we've been hearing
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this word brink all our lives What is a brink
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anyway We ever seen and bring Are there signs anywhere
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indicating when we're approaching one like on the highway Do
- 00:45
bring skin a phone All right well the shortened sweet
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version a brink is simply the edge of an area
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of land right before there's a steep drop off In
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other words you really don't want to go over one
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unless you're an insane thrill seeker or have some kind
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of death wish or at least a parachute depends on
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the brink Now let's take a gander at the sentence
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from the passage in which brink appears there's no limit
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to how low con artists will go the swindle victims
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out of their money often targeting the elderly the terminally
- 01:14
ill homeowners in the brink of losing their homes Okay
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well since we've already established what a brink is seems
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to be pretty diff a call to be in one
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in fact we're so clueless about how to even visualize
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such a thing that was going to show two seconds
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of blank screen and we're back So yeah no way
- 01:33
this phrase is ok as is so we can eliminate
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option a but it the seat of the brake No
- 01:40
they're not home Owners of the brink like the brink
- 01:43
is some sort of ritzy homeowners associations of the is
- 01:46
definitely out I haven't even about the ring about khun
- 01:51
b used refer to something that is near something else
- 01:54
but we're talking about homer's who are right on the
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edge of losing their homes on a safe viewing distance
- 01:59
away from that break So the best answer here is
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be on the brink Those poor unsuspecting homeowners are right
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here in a ring on the edge of eviction gazing
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into the yawning abyss of homelessness Okay well we might
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be on the brink of becoming a beat poet but
- 02:15
yeah we're gonna pull it back a scotch before things 00:02:18.083 --> [endTime] get ugly Whoa
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