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Booker's Seven Plot Types 367460 Views
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Who knew every book ever written could be slotted into one of seven plot types? Christopher Booker, that's who. J.R.R. Tolkien probably has a few things to say about the theory—but what do you think?
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Thank you We sneak Bookers Seven plot types a lot
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in jenny's opinion there's no book in the world that
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could possibly compare to jane eyre So imagine how surprised
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jenny would be if she were to learn that charlotte
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bronte's masterpiece actually has a lot in common with other
Full Transcript
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rags to riches stories Well it goes like this According
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to author and journalist christopher booker there are seven basic
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plot types that a story could follow Overcoming the monster
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rags to riches the quest voyage in return comedy tragedy
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and rebirth Now this whole seven basic plot thing may
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seem totally incredible Think of all the books ever written
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in the world than all the stories ever told Can
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we really some every plot ever conceived in one of
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seven simple ways Well let's break it down in the
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overcoming the monster plot the protagonist sets out to defeat
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the bad guy or girl or thing that's threatening the
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protagonist protagonist home protectionist hot date You get the idea
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An excellent example of the overcoming the monster plot in
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literature is the tale of dayal where a scandinavian hero
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does the king of the danes a huge favor by
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killing the monstrous grendel Then they will help the brother
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out again by killing grendel's mother well in the rags
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to riches plot the penniless protagonist gets everything here She
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has ever wanted money fame maybe a nose job before
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losing it all growing as a person and then gaining
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everything back in jane eyre After our heroine comes within
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And i do of getting hitched to a wealthy big
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amiss she takes off and proved she doesn't need a
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man or even a miraculously obtained fortune to make it
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on her own Mr rochester changes for the better too
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it's kind of required of him After all he does
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lose his house his eyesight His hand is crazy for
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why and his beloved fiance all because he tries to
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marry jane when he still got bertha in the attic
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So everyone loses everyone grows and everyone ends up happy
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Except bertha Because she's dead right in the quest plot
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the protagonist and his or her buddies set out to
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find any important object or reach a certain place facing
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grave peril along the way Take the odyssey Odysseus just
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wants to get home to his loving wife But first
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he has to survive A cyclops and the wrath of
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the cyclops dad and cannibals and some very dangerous women
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All in all it takes odysseus years to get home
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but what a story he has to tell when he
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reaches ithaca Of course the suitors don't get to hear
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it because they're all dead then there's the voyage in
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return plot where the protagonist goes somewhere exotic survived everything
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thrown at him or her and comes home wiser for
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the experience in lewis carroll's adventures in wonderland alice follows
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the white rabbit down a hole into a world populated
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by talking creatures You talking to me things that cause
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alice to change size multiple times on a homicidal point
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of hearts At the end of this story alice awakens
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and realizes that her journey in tow wonderland was actually
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a dream The comedy plot follows protagonist destined for love
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although they have to overcome a lot of obstacles before
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they get their happy ending in shakespeare's twelfth night for
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example viola disguises herself as a dude knew corsino sends
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a hell of a guy to talk to the woman
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he wants to marry olivia into getting hitched Olivia however
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falls for violet the guy while viola falls for the
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duke we haven't even touched on violas presumed dead twin
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brother sebastian Eventually the play ends happily once all the
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cases of mistaken identity or cleared up But of course
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we expected this because twelfth night follows the comedy plot
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The tragedy plot on the other hand doesn't have a
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happy and instead the protagonist is a villain who bites
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it In the finale shakespeare's macbeth involves a protagonist who
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takes some really bad advice from his power hungry wife
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macbeth consequently murders a monarch and becomes king of scotland
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Not that rains for long after everyone figures out he's
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a regicide well he loses his head and yeah he
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totally deserved it The rebirth plot features a protagonist who
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is kind of a jerk but redeems him or herself
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over the course of the story on charles dickens A
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tale of two cities Way meet sydney carton and english
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barrister sydney's hard to like Well he drinks a lot
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he's really depressed and cynical and he's in love with
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lucie manette who we all know belongs with sydney's doppelganger
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charles darnay At the end of the novel however sydney
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brakes charles out of a french prison and is executed
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in charles place thus proving that sydney is in fact
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the king of all that is awesome So here we
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have it seven basic plots to describe every story in
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existence now it's entirely possible for an author to take
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elements of these seven basic plots and mix him up
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a little For example think of the lord of the
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rings trilogy There are multiple monsters overcome chief of which
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is sorrow on there's an overarching quest to destroy the
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ring and the hobbits undertake avoids that leads them all
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over the map before they eventually return to the shire
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Or what about victor hugo's les miserables You see the
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rebirth plot type in the story arc of jeeva and
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a thief turned nice guy overcoming the munster plot type
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in val jean's eventual triumph over his nemesis java and
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the comedy plot type in the romance between cosette and
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marius Of course benin doesn't get a happily ever after
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because she's dead and that's the story of booker's seven
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plot types Now that jenny's learned something new she's going
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to re read jane eyre for the millionth time and
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see how many plot types she confined You better watch
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out for overcoming the monster with bertha mason though jenning
- 06:01
that lady's a firebug Good luck with that You talking 00:06:11.562 --> [endTime] to me
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