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Astronomy: What is a Quasar? 334 Views
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Check out this video to learn about Quasars and black holes. But don't stand too close...we've lost a few too many Shmoopers that way...
- 00:01
We speak student!
- 00:03
Astronomy Part Seven
- 00:05
What is a Quasar?
- 00:08
[ bird caws ]
- 00:08
What is a quasar?
Full Transcript
- 00:11
A quasar is actually a black hole.
- 00:14
- 00:14
It's just a black hole with a very cool environment
- 00:19
around it of all of this stuff that's kind of --
- 00:22
So, black holes, they rotate.
- 00:24
Most of them do.
- 00:25
And -- Everything in space rotates, right?
- 00:28
So they rotate. And when they do this, they --
- 00:31
They're sucking things in
- 00:33
and they're rotating,
- 00:34
and so you kind of get this cloud of debris --
- 00:36
this spinning cloud of debris
- 00:38
that forms around this.
- 00:40
And it's called an accretion disc,
- 00:41
because all of this stuff is accreting
- 00:43
onto the black hole.
- 00:44
And when this happens,
- 00:46
you can get a ton of energy
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from stripping things apart
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and the friction of things smashing into each other
- 00:54
and stuff like that.
- 00:55
And so these black holes,
- 00:57
which are actually totally dark,
- 00:59
have accretion discs around them
- 01:02
- that are the brightest objects in the Universe. - Hmm.
- 01:05
Wow. And they're bright just because
- 01:08
it's heat and compression
- 01:09
and it's just giving off the energy that then we see?
- 01:12
Yeah. If you can imagine
- 01:14
the Earth or something like that
- 01:17
being stripped apart,
- 01:19
how much friction and energy would be released
- 01:21
if you were to see that.
- 01:22
And that's kind of what's happening
- 01:25
with large portions of galaxies and stars and stuff like that
- 01:30
being swallowed up into this cosmic drain pool.
- 01:35
[ evil laugh ]
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