Matthew and Rachel Wood Timeline and Summary


Matthew and Rachel Wood Timeline and Summary

  • Kit tells John Holbrook the story of Rachel and Matthew’s elopement.
  • Kit shows up unannounced in Connecticut and meets the Wood family for the first time.
  • Uncle Matthew scolds Kit for playing dress up with Judith, Mercy, and Aunt Rachel.
  • Uncle Matthew is embarrassed by Kit’s church attire and later is insulted by Dr. Bulkeley over dinner.
  • Aunt Rachel learns that Kit has visited Hannah Tupper – and warns against it.
  • Uncle Matthew learns that Kit has been visiting Hannah Tupper and forbids any further visits.
  • Political meetings begin at the Wood household.
  • William comes one night to tell Uncle Matthew that the charter is safe.
  • Uncle Matthew thanks Kit for her help in caring for Judith and Mercy.
  • He defends Kit from the angry mob.
  • Uncle Matthew defends Kit at her trial.