Amaroq Timeline and Summary


Amaroq Timeline and Summary

  • Amaroq is the leader of Miyax's wolf pack. He's a wise, powerful wolf, and he's Miyax's ticket to survival. Amaroq accepts Miyax into the pack, after she learns to communicate using wolf language. He provides her a place to sleep, and food, too.
  • As winter approaches, Amaroq gathers up his wolf pack to start the nomadic (wandering) life of the cold season. He calls Miyax to join them, but she can't.
  • As they travel across the tundra, he and the other wolves check in with Miyax periodically. He saves her life by killing Jello, who has stolen Miyax's pack. This action helps Miyax to continue to survive. He and the other wolves also save her from a grizzly. Man, these wolves have totally got her back.
  • Unfortunately, hunting season has begun, and Amaroq is shot by a hunter in a plane. But his spirit stays with Miyax, for she has invited it to come into the totem she carved of her wolf-father.