Island of the Blue Dolphins Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I often thought of Tutok, but on these days especially I would look off into the north and wish that she were here to see me. I could hear her talking in her strange language and I would make up things to say to her and things for her to say to me. (23.18)

Communication is the key to the friendship between Karana and Tutok.

Quote #8

Since night had fallen and it was too dark for me to carry Rontu back, I stayed there. I sat beside him through the night and talked to him. (25.10)

The best way Karana can care for Rontu as he passes away is to talk to him.

Quote #9

I came to the mound where my ancestors had sometimes camped in the summer. I thought of them and of the happy times spent in my house on the headland, of my canoe lying unfinished beside the trail. I thought of many things, but stronger was the wish to be where people lived, to hear their voices and their laughter. (28.19)

Karana's loneliness gets the best of her. She wants to leave the island to be with people – to "hear their voices and their laughter."