Dune True or False

    1. Who first said, "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer"? -> Paul Atreides
    2. Who thought: I salve my own conscience. I give him the surcease of religion before betraying him? -> Thufir Hawat
    3. "Arrakis is a one-crop planet," ____ said. "One crop. It supports a ruling class that lives as ruling classes have lived in all times while, beneath them, a semihuman mass of semislaves exists on the leavings." Fill in that blank. (Warning: it's a tough one!) -> HAL 9000
    4. "They obey the preservation of the tribe," ___ said. "It is the way we choose among us for a leader. The leader is the one who is strongest, the one who brings water and security." Can you help us fill in this blank? -> Stilgar
    5. Who said, "No. I am your father!" -> Darth Vader…wait, he wasn't in Dune!
