Brave New World Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Brave New World? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is sleep-teaching in Brave New World?

Training insomniacs to sleep
Learning to work as you sleep
Dreaming about teaching anything (like how to jump on a pogo stick, or blink)
Being instilled with certain beliefs while you are sleep
Q. What's soma?

The region north of Market St. in San Fransisco
A trippy drug
A way to say how much you like cookies (So Ma!)
A way to question your mother (So, ma?)
Q. What role does sex play in the novel?

No one ever mentions it (not at all, not once)
Sex is punished—you do the dirty, you get, well, murdered
Everyone is having sex all the time
What is sex?
Q. How are John and Linda related to the Director?

Linda trained monkeys with him for a while back in college; John was the main monkey
John and Linda are in his knitting club
John is his brother from another mother; Linda's the other mother
John is his son; Linda is his lover from way back when
Q. How does John deal with guilt?

He eats his weight in Cheetos
He whips himself and lives alone in a lighthouse
He bullies his gerbils
He steps in front of a hoverboard rider