Who gets to be named, “The Greatest Generation,” you ask? Those who grew up during The Great Depression and fought World War II (no big deal). These were the people who gave their lives fighting Imperialism and Fascism, and didn't whine about lack of resources or scarcity. They just dealt with life bravely. Not one of them ever felt pride in "winning" a participation trophy.
They were a generation better than ours, at least in some ways. Winners of Spelling Bees won with pride; losers lost and weren't coddled. Life was clear with Good and Evil, and the term "TGG" all started with used-to-be NBC news anchor Tom Brokaw, who wrote a book called The Great Generation about the people born in the early 1920s, when America was still a growth economy, not yet even a meaningful producer of cars or pollution.
The Greatest Generation is also known as the G.I. Generation. Yes, they get all the cool names, and they’re not sorry. Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A lonely, whining nation, begging the government for help with everything rather than just fixing things themselves cries for you...