Are you spend-happy these days? Or do you feel a twinge in your gut that tells you a recession is near? Check your feel of the economy to the RBC Consumer Attitudes And Spending By Household Index, better known as the RBC CASH Index.
The RBC CASH Index is the BAMF of consumer indices. It’s a monthly index of 36 questions aimed at measuring how consumers feel about the current and future economic outlook of the U.S.
The questions span the local economy, national economy, personal finance, savings, and confidence level of investing big bucks. It’s all about your spending, savings, and investing plans for the future. Consumer confidence is oftentimes a self-fulfilling prophecy; high confidence means a good economy, and low confidence implies a rockier outlook.
The RBC CASH Index isn’t like other’s the most robust consumer outlook index out there. Most indices ask way fewer questions, and many provide a retrospective perspective rather than a right-now update.