Jobs And Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 - JGTRRA

Categories: Econ, Tax

The go-go 1990s crashed and burned in the collapse of the dot-com bubble and the recession of 2001. These economic trouble were exacerbated by 9/11.

In response, Congress and the Bush Administration passed JGTRRA (we suggest you pronounce that "jag-terra," but use your best judgment).

The bill was meant to stimulate the economy by encouraging investment in the stock market. It also had the goal of incentivizing companies to pay dividends. The legislation pursued these objectives by lowering tax rates on dividends and capital gains.

Together with the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, passed in 2001, JGTRRA was part of what collectively became known as the "Bush tax cuts." Originally, these tax cuts had sunset provisions (they were set to expire at some point), though key aspects were eventually extended.

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Finance: What is the Unemployment Rate?15 Views


finance a la shmoop what is the unemployment rate so negative like


shouldn't it be the employment rate at least that way we'd have a bigger number


and bigger is better in the u.s. right well anyway the unemployment rate in


this country is tracked carefully because it's one of the Canaries in the


mine shaft giving us an early heads-up on the direction of the economy well [canary hopping in cage in mineshaft]


jobs are generally highly volatile in a given range and the government copiously


inspects this data as it affects so many other things principally the costs of


renting money has set out by the Fed because high employment stimulates


inflation and low does the opposite well the government's gonna ask is the


unemployment rate shrinking too fast I eat everyone's getting jobs well if so [government officials in conference]


then beware inflation is coming which historically has motivated the Fed to


raise interest rates in response or constrict the supply of cash out there


and the opposite is true as well one of the big cocktail party conflicts and if


you find yourself at a cocktail party debating this notion make like the


Jordan Peele movie and get out but if you can't and you must debate well there


is a quote natural rate unquote of unemployment of around five or six


percent yeah zero percent unemployment ain't never


gonna happen generally the higher the unemployment rate the worse shape the


economy is in but remember the unemployment rate doesn't tell the whole


story the government can help create a bunch of temporary or low-paying jobs


too cosmetically raise the employment rate in the short term like ahead of an [happy government officials in conference]


election but the quality of those jobs is probably not great like think temp


workers at the DMV well after a while of longer term unemployment some people [long line at the DMV]


will just give up hunting for jobs and if they don't even go on indeed or


Glassdoor looking for work so they're kind of permanently in the unemployment


numbers so the unemployment rate might seem to be a bit less dire in that case [unemployed people holding up cardboard signs]


but in fact well there might still be a lot of people who needed jobs out there


we don't know we're just looking for some numbers to help us direct


understanding of where the economy has gone and help us then tweak things so


interest rates are optimized at the inflation numbers that we want to hit


got it not everyone is qualified to stick that thing on the back of your


license plate that shows you red yeah a whole lot of government workers I [hand adds stickers on back of license place]


guess do that now bad times

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