Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - EEOC


They keyword: "Opportunity."

Before Civil Rights for other-than-white-men were a Thing, women, African Americans, Jews, Asians, and most other minorities didn't even have the opportunity to interview for gainful employment. Finally lawmakers noticed...and cared. And a Commission was appointed (funded) to require those interviewing to give everyone a shot. The opportunity to interview came fast; the process in the goal of having some form of real diversity in the highly sought-after jobs, for myriad reasons, has been...slow.

Ask Google how many women or African Americans, as a percentage of the total, they have working in their algorithmic coding divisions.

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Finance a la shmoop what is the Equal Credit Opportunity Act? alright people while the


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into debt isn't that sweet of them you know that Uncle Sam well he sure does


have a heart of gold this federal law makes it illegal to discriminate against


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their age gender marital status religious affiliation ethnic or national


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still matters sorry just keeping it real

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