Directors And Officers Liability Insurance (D&O)


Companies get sued all the time. They miss a quarter. They flub a press release in a moment of ADD. They have bad actors in them (not Nick Cage but actual evil-doers).

So they carry D&O insurance.


Because at the end of the day, beyond the company, it's the Board of Directors who are where the buck stops.

Should a company lose a massive suit—it was dumping iodine in the rivers and now all the downstream fish are blind (not a Seussian allusion)—the D&O insurance might then kick in.


Well companies define policies differently, but a typical one might cover a lawsuit from bad corporate management—maybe a sexual harrassment suit or an improper disclosure of insider stock sales.

The company has a $15 million deductible and receives a $50 million judgment from the SEC. But because the insurance company backing them has armies of lawyers who know how to delay and mess with and muck up the legal process on behalf of their clients, the $50 million is negotiated down to $32 million.

In this case then, the company pays $15 million—the insurance company picks up the next $17 million and likely raises rates to the company...or fires them. D&O policies almost never kick in—and when they do, it's...bad.

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finance a la shmoop what is directors and officers insurance coverage? well if


you ever sit on the board of a public company you'll want this or at least a [People sat at a table in a meeting]


feeling you'll sleep better at night if you have it. D&O insurance is just


insurance like any other kind of insurance only it insurers for board


stupidity or rather legal definitions of dumb things companies do that costs


shareholders money and for which the Board of Directors then gets blamed and


sued in theory if company ever lost a large lawsuit well at worst they would [Man and woman in a court]


just hand over the keys to the company itself to whoever won the lawsuit


famously warren buffett founder and CEO Berkshire Hathaway and the largest


seller of insurance in the world through Geico and other subsidiaries does not


allow his Board of Directors to carry any D&O insurance because he feels that


if the company stumbles so stupidly because of poor governance that he along [Warren Buffet appears]


with all of his boards should suffer the resulting personal bankruptcies that


would follow with all the lawsuits that would be piled on and yes sometimes


companies are so corrupt or stupid or unlucky that the damages in a lost


lawsuit exceed the value of the entire company itself and then the insurance


company has to be called to cover whatever is left in legal bills after


the company has been handed over in practice it's not quite that dramatic


companies carry D&O insurance for smaller things as well like a company


stock goes from $22 to $14 after a bad quarter and some ambulance-chasing [Company stock graph appears]


lawyer from New York is able to convince a judge that proper disclosure wasn't


made about the lack of sales in the Uzbekistan office and to make the


lawsuit go away the company held hostage pays seventeen million dollars in


damages to shareholders making a claim the key thing is the shareholders here


get like pennies a share and the lawyers get millions a typical D&O policy for a


smaller public company might carry a ten million dollar deductible so in this


case the first ten million of that seventeen comes out of the company


coffers and then the money beyond that comes from the insurance company that


wrote the coverage policy well historically the business of writing D&O


policies has been a great business for the insurance industry as tons of


premiums get paid by nervous Nelly directors who in fact never lose [Hammer nails sign to the wall]


lawsuits and well you know the gravy train keeps on graving... [Man riding a gravy train]

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