Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance would have been useful to S.H.I.E.L.D at the end of Captain America: Winter Soldier, useful to much of Metropolis when General Zod and Superman went at it in Man of Steel, useful to the Ghostbusters when Walter Peck shut down the protection grid, useful to whoever owned the porn theater at the end of Back to the Future, useful to Starfleet in Star Trek IV, useful to Princess Leia when Alderaan blew up (though that's at least partially residential property) get the idea. It's a useful form of insurance.

Commercial property insurance provides a type of policy to cover your company's workspace and physical assets.

The insurance includes financial protection for a broad range of items. It typically covers the business's work area, whether the firm owns the building or rents space from someone else. The policy also provides protection for the stuff in the office...things like furniture, equipment, inventory, and office supplies.

If something bad happens (a robbery, a fire, a natural disaster, superhero fight, sudden ghost evacuation, etc.), the insurance company will pay to replace all the damaged stuff and to repair the office (though you might want to check the fine print on some of that stuff).

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