Autonomous Consumption
There are some things on which you’ll spend money, even when times are tough. Like food and a place to live. If your income is low, the things you still spend money on will reflect autonomous consumption.
Like, you'll starve before you cut off Game of Thrones, right? Nothing in this world is free! We mean NOTHING. The requirements to live a pretty basic life will ALWAYS BE THERE. Dangling in your face, saying "hey you got bills to pay!" Know that lamp that you turn on daily without a second thought? Yeah, that’s called electricity and it ain’t free. Remember that spaghetti you devoured a few hours ago? Nope, not free either. Gotta eat right? Oh and know how you wake up daily in the comfort of your own bed in a nice cozy home. Not free! Gotta pay where you lay.
Autonomous consumption is the basic expenses/necessities to survive, things like housing, electricity, and food. It is also important to note that everyone’s level of autonomous consumption may not be the same and this is impacted primarily by income. These expenses that AUTOMATICALLY CONSUME your hard earned income.