Accounts Receivable Financing


You make unicycles. You've sold 800 of them to the Giraffe Watchers Club of the Serengeti. They owe you a million bucks. Unfortunately, they won't be back from safari for a month, assuming the lions don't get to them first. But you need that million bucks today, so you can build out the unicycle order for The Congressional Clown Club, otherwise known as Congress.

To get that money, you can apply for accounts receivable financing, wherein you pledge as collateral the promise of payment of that million bucks from the Giraffe Watchers Club, owed 27 days from now. You can take the money to a bank, or to what is called a factor, who will then gladly pay you something like $970,000 today in return for your million bucks I.O.U. in about a month. The factor takes on the risk of the Giraffe Watchers Club becoming lion dinner and not paying, and in return, if you do the advanced math here, that factor makes 3% interest for that one month of risk, or an annualized return of 12 x 3% = 36%. As long as those owing their bills actually pay their bills, the business of being an accounts receivable financier is enormously lucrative. You just have to stay away from the lions.

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finance a la shmoop. what does per-capita mean? well there's poor capita yeah this


guy, how would you like to be named capita and then there's per capita which [man sits under a tree]


just means well technically per head. yep comes from Latin like oh so many


things salsa dressing and dancing among others, the word decapitation comes to [dancing feet]


mind. like what happens when those flying human taxi drones get too far to the


left or when King Henry got tired of a wife. so if that happened often it had [helicopter prop]


throw off the per capita calculations. and same deal if we suddenly had a lot


of two-headed people being born like the aliens in men in black and whole bunch


other Hollywood movies. per capita is a useful metric in a bunch of financial


calculations. a common set is GDP or gross domestic product per capita .like


if you have a ton of GDP say ten trillion dollars from your country [100 dollar bill]


whateverstan, if you only have a million people that's a ton of production


productivity. but if you're say China with well over a billion people well


then it's a much lower GDP per capita. the calculations get quoted when talking


about things like cell phone monthly subscriptions, computer ownership or [people crowd around a cell phone]


particularly rollicking house parties. so yeah the notion of per capita is pretty


important but don't stress if you're not an expert yet. it's a nothing to lose


your head over. [man carries head]

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